Monday, September 30, 2019

Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy Essay

â€Å"Community policing is, in essence, a collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and solves community problems† (U. S. Department of Justice, 1994, p. vii). Throughout the years, community policing has become a more popular strategy to help law enforcement officials control and deter crime; however, some areas across the United States has had problems in the past with communities and law enforcement working together to ensure a secure and safe environment. Although it is an officer’s duty to maintain order, keep the peace, and solve problems within the area he or she is patrolling, it is also necessary for the people of the community to come together to help prevent crime. Everyone wants to feel safe in his or her place of dwelling and know that he or she has individuals who will serve and protect the area. Ergo, when problems occur between law enforcement and communities, the citizens develop a stigma against law officials and do not want to help solve or prevent criminal acts. On the other side, when law enforcement officials develop a positive rapport with the community, the citizens are more likely to come forward to help solve crimes or problems that evolve within the neighborhood. Community policing is a necessary program to have within a community and many neighborhoods have adopted these programs. The Chicago Police Department is one city that knew a community-based program was a necessity to solve criminal problems within the neighborhoods of the city. In 1993, the Chicago Police Department implemented the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS), which is a community-based program that helps solves neighborhood crime problems with the collaboration of community members and law enforcement officials. According to Office of Justice Programs (n. d. ), â€Å"The program began in five policing districts but expanded to encompass the entire city of Chicago after a testing phase. Program development included the collaborative efforts of each district’s commanders, senior department executives, and ivilian planners† (para. 4). The underlying goal for CAPS is to solve problems within a community instead of reacting to their symptomatic consequences. This program has a five-step process for police officers to follow to ensure that the community and law enforcement agency works together to control crime. For this program to work effectively, one must identify and prioritize the problem at hand, analyze the situation, organize a plan to handle the problem, implement a strategy, and evaluate the outcome (Office of Justice Programs, n. . ). If the outcome is not effective, changes are set in place to correct the mistake and move forward by working together as a team to solve future problems that may arise. Furthermore, the CAPS program has an assortment of tactics, which include officers who patrol the neighborhoods, community meetings that involve the residents and law enforcement officials, training programs for both parties, city services, and technology to help identify the criminal hot spots in the area (Chicago Police Department, 2008). This program allows the officers to continue to patrol and handle their daily duties as well as work together with the community and other city officials to fight crime in one of the most notorious criminal cities in the United States. The Chicago Police Department works in teams for this program to be effective. One team will concentrate on the community and preventing crime, whereas the other team will handle the lower priority issues as well as respond to calls. The program splits the law enforcement officials into teams, which are beat officers, rapid response officers, and other city agencies. The beat officers patrol a certain area for at least a year, which allows each officer to know the neighborhood as well as the residents. This allows the officers and the residents to form a bond with one another and build trust between both parties, which allows them to work together as a team to monitor, strategize, and solve problems within the community. The rapid response officers assist the beat officers on emergency calls as well as back up the beat officers while they are in their community meetings. Undercover and gang officers help the beat officers on solving crimes and detaining suspects. With the collaboration between the law enforcement teams and the citizens the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy and proven to be a successful weapon to fight crime. In addition, the success that has come from the implementation of the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy only hows that in the future it will become more successful. This program has helped improve the residents’ confidence that the police are there to help combat crime, to ensure the community is a safe place to live as well as a reduction in major crimes. â€Å"Evaluations of the alternative policing strategy in Chicago show that from 1993 to 2002, the fear of crime went down by 20% among groups most fearful of crime and victimization† (University of Ottawa, n. d. , p. 1). This is only one benefit that has come about from this program, so with the bond between law enforcement and residents of the communities becoming stronger daily, this program has a bright future on helping prevent and deter crime. Although many neighborhoods adopt community-policing programs, not all are successful in controlling crime. Some communities adopt these programs believing that it will evolve into a successful program were police and residents work together; however, not all programs are effective. For a program to be successful, each party, such as law enforcement officials and residents must work collaboratively through the entire process, which is to identify, implement, and resolve the issues at hand (Chicago Police Department, 2008). Community-based programs are constantly developing throughout the nation and with communities, adopting programs like the Chicago Alternative Program Strategy, community policing has the potential to be successful in any city or state.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bullying Essay

The â€Å"peanut gallery† may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the sidelines giving their attention to the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a bully, I have been part of the â€Å"peanut gallery† that makes bullying an even worse situation. The â€Å"peanut gallery† are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. As students, we can take action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas to make this happen. I and a group of students would dedicate one week at the beginning of the school year to hold an anti-bullying campaign called â€Å"Bully Beatdown. The â€Å"Bully Beatdown† campaign would raise awareness to the issues of bullying. For the campaign kick-off, I would hold a rally for students to share their personal stories and experience with bullying. I would invite a counselor or a psychologist specializing in anti-social behavior to speak at the rally about the effects of bullying. Th e person could train students on anti-bullying tactics. During the â€Å"Bully Beatdown† campaign, I would have students perform skits acting out different bullying scenarios and ways they can stop bullying such as befriending a victim of bullying. To promote my campaign, I would pass out information flyers and pamphlets, buttons, and signs to post throughout the school in bathrooms, gyms, lunchrooms, and hallways. Another feature of the campaign will have students sign a social contract agreeing to not participate in bullying of any kind, to stand up for the victims of bullying, to not be a bystander to bullying, and to report bullying to teachers or a responsible adult. I would create an organization called â€Å"Bully Guardians† which is a community of students who act as a support network for students targeted by bullies. The students who were spectators to bullying can become a â€Å"Bully Guardian. † Many students are afraid to report bullying incidents they observe because they might become targets themselves. I would create an â€Å"Anonymous Email System† for those students who don’t want to report an incident in-person to a teacher or the principal. The student could send an email explaining the bullying incident they saw or encountered. After the campaign kick-off, I propose that each month schools devote a day to bully awareness and to report on the progress they’ve made to stop bullying. I believe my plan of action is practical and easy to implement in schools.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Instructor methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instructor methods - Essay Example I guess looking back, it sounds a macabre, but I was very interested in it at the time. I believe that the instructor was following a linear-rational model of instruction because we were given a very specific rubric to follow for our research and presentation. The rubric was a number of steps and criteria that needed to be met for each portion of the assignment. The research guide took us through a logical progression of sources of information. Very little was left to intuition or exploration. We were not given a question and then sent out to discover possible solution. We were not asked to use any sort of deductive reasoning in order to arrive at a conclusion either. What we were expected to do was to follow a scripted manner of gathering information and then we were to present the information to the class. It was obvious to me that this learning activity was very well planned. The rubrics created by the teacher were detailed and logical. The information was extremely up to date as well. Websites and reference materials were current, so you could tell that this wasn’t just some lesson that the teacher would present in the same manner year after year. What was even more impressive is the way the teacher could comment on each of the presentations in a knowledgeable way. The discussion after each one of the presentations was as valuable as the student presentation itself. This was especially true after one of the presentations was over. Being in high school, some giggles or inappropriate remarks were whispered after some of the presentations. This was especially true if any of the disease or defect had anything to do with sex or the ability to have sex. I remember the instructor being patient but never failing to correct students that would make comments that were out of line. After a presentation on a genetic disorder that altered the facial appearance of


HOW TO DEVELOP THE ESTREN FOOD IN THE UK - Assignment Example 2012). Also the skills related to its job position should be set, so that hiring for these positions to be developed with no delay (Gilmore and Williams 2012). The HRM issues of the restaurant are analyzed further in section 2 of this paper. Another organizational sector that should be carefully reviewed in advance is accounting. Chapman et al. (2011) notes that in all firms accounting can result to important challenges mostly because of the following facts: a) it is difficult for managers to choose in advance the accounting strategy on which the business operations will be based; for example, emphasis will be give on re-investing profits or using profits for covering operational costs, so that the borrowing is fully avoided (Chapman et al. 2011, p.709), b) the level of profitability of a business and the market performance cannot be predicted in advance, a fact that it is quite common in new businesses; in this context, Eastern foods should not adopt a strict accounting strategy but rather short-term accounting plans should be applied, so that alterations and replacements are feasible in case of market changes or low profits. At the same time, Al-Hakim (2007) explains that managers in new businesses should emphasize on the introduction of effective knowledge management systems. These systems can secure high speed and accuracy in regard to the knowledge transferred; under these terms the success of a firm’s accounting system is guaranteed (Al-Hakim 2007). In addition, managers in Eastern Foods have to face a series of operational issues, such as: a) would the operational framework of the business be the same as in the mother company, in India? B) Should innovative practices be introduced in order for the restaurant’s operations to be more aligned to the Western culture (Barnes 2008)? c) Which will be the exact form of the firm’s

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pop Art and Harlem Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pop Art and Harlem Renaissance - Essay Example Harlem Renaissance was characterized by an overt racial pride that was representing the New Negro idea, who believed through production and intellect of music, art, and literature could challenge the pervading stereotypes and racism to foster socialist or progressive politics, social, and racial integration (Wintz, 2007). The movement sought to break free of bourgeois shame and Victorian moral values about lives’ aspects that may be seen by the whites as reinforcing racist beliefs. It should be noted that a specific school of thought did not dominate the Harlem Renaissance; instead, it was characterized by intense debate that laid the groundwork for subsequent African American art. It attracted a remarkable concentration of talent and intellect and served as an inspiration of cultural awakening. Pop Art Renaissance happened in the mid twentieth century, in the late 1950s in the United States and earlier on in the mid-1950s in Britain. The history of pop art in the Great Britai n and North America developed differently. In the Great Britain, its origin can be traced in the post-war period and employed parody and irony. It was more academic focusing on the dynamic and paradoxically imagery of the American Popular culture as manipulative, powerful symbolic devices that was not only improving society’s prosperity, but also affected patterns of life (Wilkins and Zaczek, 2005). The precursor to the pop art Renaissance in Britain was the formation of the Independent Group in 1952 in London. This group was a gathering of young architects, critics, painters, writers, and sculptors who were challenging modernist approaches that were prevailing to culture and traditional fine art views. The discussions of this group revolved around the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Business Plan for Soy Protein Assignment

Marketing Business Plan for Soy Protein - Assignment Example HANGES MADE] 14 Part VI: Marketing Mix [CHANGES MADE] 15 Reference 17 Appendix A 20 Executive Summary 2 Part II: Marketing Plan 5 Business Review 5 Scope 5 Strength 5 Weakness 5 Opportunity 6 Threat 6 Product and Market Review 6 Analysis of the Product 6 Sales Trends for the Product 6 Consumer Behavior Trends 7 Pricing and Distribution 7 Competitive Review 7 Target Market Effectors 8 Target Market 8 Target Market Awareness 8 Target Market Attitude 8 Part III: Marketing Analysis: Market Characteristics/Trends 10 Market segment 10 Market trends 10 Market type 10 Product knowledge 11 Sales area 11 Part IV: Marketing Analysis: Competition 12 Part V: Target Market [CHANGES MADE] 14 Part VI: Marketing Mix [CHANGES MADE] 15 Reference 17 Appendix A 20 Part II: Marketing Plan Business Review Scope The scope of this project is to create a marketing plan of Soy Protein in the United States of America and thereby capturing a decent market share and increasing its sales volume by 10% in USA. The project thereby endeavors to understand the potential strengths and weaknesses of the product which should be managed to gain advantage of the different opportunities and counter threats in the external market. Changes in desires and tastes of the target market and action of the competitors are studied in order to modify the product features so as to match the needs of the people. Strength Soy Protein has found increased use in regards to women in offering them large number of benefits across different stages of their life. It helps to improve the dietary and cardio-vascular positions of the women. Further the intake of Soy Protein has helped them in countering the effects of menopause and helps to prevent cancer and obesity related diseases (Montgomery, 2003, p.44). Weakness The product... The paper talks about the Soy Protein, a vegetable protein mainly found in Soybeans. This protein acts as a potential substitute to the intake of animal proteins. This leguminous product is free of cholesterol and has low fat content. Further the product is composed of amino acids and different minerals with Vitamin B. it also has good fiber content. In United States the Soy Protein market depicts huge marketing and sales volume. The sales trend measurement for the 2004 period shows that the market grew to around 4.1 billion. This growth trend reflects a 5 percent growth from the previous year. While Soy Proteins is recognized as a healthy diet supplement to animal proteins, some consumers acceptance of Soy Proteins is limited due to its unfavorable taste and and the lack of proper knowledge of the product. Children are found not to favor the intake of Soy Proteins owing to unfavorable tastes. However the women and old age population also fail to intake needed quantities of Soy Prote ins owing to unavailability of proper knowledge as to the varities available. In terms of pricing the Soy Protein products help in providing the consumers affordable healthy food items in comparison to animal proteins. The pricing of such food products are conducted based on stability parameters so as to avoid price fluctuations. Distribution parameters in regards to Soy Protein products earns effectiveness owing to the different types of production processes leading to the production of natural and synthetic soy protein in large volumes.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal and Professional Development Assignment

Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Example 5). This provides wider scope and opportunities for the individual to look at his own career progress from a wider perspective and takes measures that can help him improve his professional skills and abilities. There are various other types of training and development, such as job or workplace training and development. These are related to promoting and improving skills and capabilities of a person in relation to his workplace environment and his job specification. Alsop (2000, p. 1) defined Continuing Professional Development as an educational process by which people put efforts to maintain and enhance professional competence from a wider perspective. Often, both CPD and lifelong learning are used interchangeably. From the business point of view, there are various types of on-the-job as well as the off-the-job training and all these different types of training are considered to be critical components of professional development. Often termed as organizational development, Human Reso urce Management gives greater significance to imparting specific training and development programs with a view to foster the skills, abilities, knowledge, wisdom, experience and ultimately the productivity of employees required to make them fit for a particular job task. But, in contrast, a person who attempts to carry out CPD will certainly think in a wider perspective and thinks about developing the overall skills and abilities required for him to improve his professional skills, rather than required for a specific job. As Mackay (2007, p. 185) emphasized that Continuing Professional Development is a personal commitment to keeping one’s professional knowledge up to date and keeping on improving his professional abilities. As part of gaining such ongoing professional development, most people keep on updating their CVs, ensuring professional recognition, showcasing their achievements, accelerating career prospects and ensuring greater work satisfaction. Following are the majo r factors that explain why CPD is different from other types of training and development In CPD, the learner is in a free thinking and free-working aspirations where as the learner in almost all other types of development programs is in control. For instance, an employee working as a machine operator who is attending a development program in a technology company will be under the control and pressure of his manager to get accustomed with the working conditions in his business organization. CPD is considered to be a holistic process and therefore it can address various aspects of life and value-elements related the society or family in general. In CPD, people will be promoted to think how they want to be and evaluating how they are performing. People also will be prompted to look forward about working from the current situation toward the future direction. In almost all other types of training and development, people are thinking only about the present job, performance in that partic ular job, managers’ or superiors’ feedback related to that specific job etc. With continuing professional development, individuals are becoming responsible for controlling and managing their own development and career-success. But in other types of development, not only they but also managers or those who give training and development to them are also responsible for their professional deve

Monday, September 23, 2019

The CIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The CIA - Research Paper Example The agency was established in the year 1947 through an act accented to by the then President. The National Security Act was signed by President Truman. Apart from creating the agency, this act also established the office of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) who was supposed to be the President’s chief advisor on matters of national security as he was also the head of the United States intelligence community. The DCI was also supposed to head the Central Intelligence Agency. However, in the year 2004, the National Security Act was amended through the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. This amendment created the office of Director of National Intelligence to take up a number of roles previously carried out by the DCI. It also ensured that the Central Intelligence Agency was under a separate Director. Such agencies as the CIA are employed in performing intelligence gathering services and not the US military as these can easily lead to the declaration of wars. During World War II, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was created with the purpose of coordinating espionage activities against the Axis Powers. The CIA was thus created as a successor of this office. Basically, the CIA is charged with the responsibility of collecting information about corporations, foreign governments and individuals in addition to advising policymakers. The agency is headquartered in McLean, Virginia. In some quarters, the CIA is referred to as Other Government Agencies (OGA), The Agency, Langley and The Company. In trying to accomplish its mission, the CIA requires the deployment of high leverage technology, carrying out of research and development for purposes of intelligence. To ensure that the intelligence consumer acquires the best possible intelligence, the CIA engages closely with other agencies and organizations within the Intelligence Community and also carries out independent analyses of topics that are of concern2. The agency

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Divide Between God and Man Essay Example for Free

The Divide Between God and Man Essay Religion is a common theme in poetry. In the Norton anthology Modern Poems, several poems from many eras discuss or refer to religion. Six in particular show a progression of man’s slow destruction of his relationship with God and the world. â€Å"Imperial Adam† by A. D. Hope begins this sequence by the unique way sin is introduced into the world. William Butler Yeat’s â€Å"Second Coming† is an apocalyptic interpretation of what might be considered the antichrist. All together, these religious poems weave a tale of sadness and despair for mankind as they fall further and further from each other and from God. â€Å"Imperial Adam† introduces the Biblical Adam just as he has awakened from his â€Å"surgery† to find his companion. God has blessed him with a female because â€Å"It is not good for him to live alone† (line 8). However, instead of viewing her as a soul mate and companion for the glory of God, Adam sees Eve in an immediately sexual light. The poem makes use of sexual imagery such as â€Å"golden breasts,† â€Å"plump gourd,† â€Å"virile root,† and â€Å"delicious pulp of the forbidden fruit,† (lines 13, 17, 19). The sexual experience is described in stanza’s seven and eight, but instead of being treated in beautiful terms, it is described as animalistic, loud and overly passionate. Just as the Bible story goes, Eve gets pregnant and gives birth. The child, Cain, in the Bible goes on to kill his brother out of jealousy and becomes the ancestral father of a lineage of outcasts banished and cursed by God and spurned by mankind. This outcome is the focus of the last stanza of the poem. The baby is not immediately seen as a darling expression of love, but his birth is described in less complimentary terms: â€Å"Between her legs a pigmy face appear,/And the first murderer lay upon the earth† (lines 43-44). The first attention paid to the baby, at this point a true innocent, is that he is the future murderer of his brother who creates the schism between God and man. Another Biblical story that is alluded to in poetry is the parable of the prodigal son. According to this parable, a wayward youth takes his inheritance, leaves his home, and frivolously wastes his money. He returns home to find the love of his father still strong in spite of his sins and despite other’s anger at him. In â€Å"The Prodigal Son† by Rudyard Kipling, the story is the same, but not exact. True, the son has gone off to lavish living; he says â€Å"I wasted my substance, I know I did,/On riotous living, so I did,/But there’s nothing on record to show I did/Worse than my betters have done† (lines 25-28). The young man realizes his faults, but also questions his treatment by his family. He feels that his sins are no worse than any other, and finds it his label as a â€Å"monster of moral depravity† (line 23) to be quite unfair. Indeed it seems his behavior is not as horrible as the consequent behavior of his family, specifically of his own brother. In this poem, the reader learns that despite the hard knocks the young man experienced, he did work to maintain himself. The young man, unlike the Biblical prodigal son, does not remain home. He finds their attitudes toward him more oppressive than the hear life he had lived. He leaves with a warm salutation to his parents, but cannot quite find the same feelings for his brother, whom he calls a â€Å"hound† (line 48). The rhythm and rhyme of the poem are a bit misleading, in that they suggest a less serious nature than, say, the Biblical story. However, the messages are eerily the same. Like the ultimate reality of the Biblical Cain and the son in â€Å"Imperial Adam,† family relationships are strained from the beginning, particularly, it seems, between brothers. The young man doubts the relationship he has with his father is worth putting up with his sulking, angry brother. This relationship has an obvious figurative meaning as well as a literal one. The young man doubting his father’s relationship can be read as a person doubting the existence of a kind and gently God. In Gerald Manley Hopkins’ â€Å"Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend,† the idea that man may doubt the nature of God or become infirm in his faith or religion is expressed in sonnet form. The poem begins with the speaker asserting that he knows God is just and fair with him and acknowledges that his own ways in the world are also just and fair. His question is, and this question has undoubtedly been repeated countless times throughout the years, â€Å"Why do sinners’ ways prosper? And why must/Disappointment all I endeavour end? † (lines 3-4). His problems are echoed throughout time: â€Å"Why do bad things happen to good people? † or â€Å"Why do bad things happen to me? † The speaker, through his own failures and disappointment comes to question if God treats everyone fairly and kindly, what is the point of being continually good? He points out that sinful behavior is much more prevalent than his own goodly works: â€Å"Oh, the sots and thralls of lust/Do in spare hours more thrive than I that spend,/Sir, life upon thy cause† (lines 7-9). He laments that his good words does not seem to â€Å"wake† or enlighten anyone. Ultimately, the speaker begs God to send his roots rain, this metaphor being that he wants God to send him proof that what he is doing is worthwhile. Of course, as most theologians will attest to, God is not in the business of proving himself; faith is the name of the game. The man, who can be representative of all mankind, is losing faith in God and in his own ability to see the benefit of a holy life and godly works. As man slowly seems to split from God, man is also splitting from mankind. God, in the Bible, loves all men and wants them to love one another. Unfortunately, almost from the beginning of time, this has not been the case. In Adrienne Rich’s â€Å"Yom Kippur, 1984,† the speaker, a Jew, reflects upon the loneliness and solitude she feels as the result of being a Jew in a sea of Christians. While this is not a holocaust poem per se (though some images may suggest this) and the date in the title does not suggest Hitler’s annihilation, a resonance of fear permeates the poem. The speaker asks, â€Å"What would it mean not to feel lonely or afraid/far from your own or those you have called your own? † (lines 2-3). Subsequent lines make it clear that many other people live solitary existences for reasons other than religion. She names women and homosexuals as groups that have also been persecuted by people, and sadly, by religion and churches. The spirited narrator urges all feeling solitary to â€Å"Find someone like yourself. Find others. /Agree you will never desert each other/Understand that any rift among you/means power to those who want to do you in† (lines46-49). Unfortunately, the world has not achieved this. She mentions the modern crisis between the Arabs and the Jews in the last stanza as an example of how â€Å"souls crash together† (line 120). The speaker constantly expresses her fear of solitude, which can be interpreted as meaning solitude from others or even solitude from God. Though Rich is not necessarily known as a religious poet, the message rings true. Men divided from one another will fall, and God seems nowhere in this chaos. Furthering the idea that God seems lost from man and the world is Philip Larkin’s poem â€Å"A Poem for Sunday. † This poem is a first person monologue of a person who is drawn to a quiet and empty church. His journey through the silent place is, thus, shared step-by-step with the reader. He listens to the sounds of the heavy door shutting and observes the heavy brown and polished brass colors of the sanctuary. Ultimately, though he visits the church often, he stops to â€Å"reflect the place was not worth stopping for† (line 18) and that his visits seem to all end in this way. He wonders about a time when people stop going to churches or places of worship at all. This speaker and his thoughts seem to represent the feeling that many hold in his society. He sees little interest in the church as a religious house of worship, but more as an oddity the architecture of a bygone era. He surmises that â€Å"†¦we shall keep/a few cathedrals chronically on show,† (lines 23-24) only for a spectacle, but clearly separated from their holy purpose. The fifth stanza shows the gradual decline of the importance of the church as the speaker wonders who will be the last to ever enter its doors for worship: â€Å"A shape less recognizable each week,/A purpose more obscure. I wonder who/Will be the last, the very last, to seek this place for what it was;† (lines 37-40). The tone of the poem seems sad and remorseful, as if the speaker recognizes the sadness and futility of an age in which people do not seek God or have use for ore even remember the use for churches or cathedrals. The last poem in this series marks a specific time of the beginning of the end of the world. Many future seekers try to pinpoint the end of the world. While nobody has been successful, it is clear that many religions agree on some type of coming or second coming of the diety. â€Å"The Second Coming† by William Butler Yeats is an apocalyptic interpretation of the coming of not God, but Evil. The speaker begins by discussing a world out of balance in which â€Å"Things fall apart†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"The ceremony of innocence is drowned;/† (lines 3, 6). It seems to warn of a time in which society is so far from God and in which things are so bad, that nothing can be reversed or saved. â€Å"Surely the Second Coming is at hand! † (line 10). Unfortunately, the speakers’ joyful words turn to fear as he envisions not the return of Christ, but of the Sphinx, the mythological beast that taunted and killed many men. This second coming is a beast that has â€Å"A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun† (line 15). This beast has been awakened and â€Å"its hour come round at last,/Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? † (lines 21-22). This fearful question hints at a world that will be destroyed by evil instead of reclaimed by God. It suggest that mankind now has no hope of salvation. The poems in this paper all show a progression of man away from God and towards evil. Beginning with Adam, the father of murderous Cain, this symbolic journey moves through the dissolution of the family, the man’s disillusionment and loss of faith in God, the separation of man from each other, the decay of the church, and finally the birth of ultimate evil. Human beings have, indeed, fallen from God in each of these ways. The poems presented here are the attempts of the poets to capture these feelings and emotions and express them to the reader. The body of religious poetry includes far more poems on a similar theme. Because the poems hail from many time periods and from many authors, it can be assumed that the fears and suggestions in these poems are not limited to one era or to one author or country. Unfortunately, the six poems, â€Å"Imperial Adam† by A. D. Hope, â€Å"The Prodigal Son† by Rudyard Kipling, â€Å"Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend† by Gerald Hanley Hopkins, â€Å"Yom Kippur, 1984† by Adrienne Rich, â€Å"A Poem for Sunday† by Phillip Larkin, and â€Å"The Second Coming† by William Butler Yeats all paint a bleak outlook for mankind and his relationship with his God and with mankind.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Geology Report Essay Example for Free

Geology Report Essay In article 64, Beach Placers Containing Radioactive Minerals, Bay of Bengal, East Pakistan the geologists have thoroughly researched the rocks and minerals of beach placers that extend 100 miles southeastward along the Bay of Bengal near East Pakistan. During the 1961 study the geologists discovered that the placers contain heavy radioactive minerals including monazite, ilmenite, and zircon. In the sands along the beaches, the geologists, found 10 to 30 percent of heavy minerals that exceed 2. 8 specific gravity. Of the ten randomly dispersed placers studied along the oast, geologist found they all contained small concentrations of these heavy radioactive minerals. The minerals studied in the placers were in layers between 1 and 2. 5 feet thick and located near the beach surface along with others buried in sand dunes. They believe the placers were formed with or by a combination of waves, wind, and the natural down flow of creeks/rivers. Due to the difference of each separately located placer, geologists noticed grain sizes and the sorting of the minerals differ from placer to placer. They discovered the lenses with the majority of eavy minerals is finer grained, better sorted, and better rounded and contains magnetite. In the pacer at the northernmost tip, they found it differs from the others. It had black sand as opposed to white and it laid on top of a mud platform. Also, according to the survey, geologists found this placer to be less radioactive than the rest of placers researched. All of the placers are oblong in shape and are very large. Each placer is tens of hundreds of feet wide and can stretch out to be several miles long. The geologists surveyed the placers using an airborne radiometric survey. After ll of the research the geologists and scientists found that all of the placers contain radioactive minerals as well as non-radioactive minerals. Reasoning and Application I specifically chose this article because I find radioactive minerals, and anything geological related to the ocean, interesting. I grew up surfing in a small beach town near Santa Barbara so any type of geology related to the oceans and beaches interest me. Also, one of the more interesting topics learned in my geology class were the different types of minerals and how their individual physical structure can be altered due to earths natural forces. After studying geology this semester I was able to fully understand how these placers were formed along with why these heavy minerals formed in layers and were denser than the sand and other rocks. It helped me understand why and how geologists surveyed these radioactive minerals. Also, I completely understood how these minerals were sorted and the different physical structure of these well and poorly sorted minerals. I can honestly say that before taking this class I would have no idea what this article was about. Now I was fully able to grasp all of the information provided in the article. USGS Geology Report By gomer5